Large N-S running ridge to the S ca. 8 mi. is US Rt 33 to the N ca. 12 mi. is Rt 28. Seneca Rocks can be observed from the community and is located ca 2 mi. NW. To the S ca. 0.25 mi. is another outcrop with another small patch of this community. To the E adjacent to the plot is a bear oak / heath shrubland. To the W below the cliff is a somewhat mesic red oak forest.;Open hot and sunny cliff top, the community is very narrow and is likely relatively shrub free due to edaphic conditions. There are a few scattered sweet birch and low bush blueberries. The community is primarily an open herbaceous cliff top dominated by Paronychia argyrocoma - Deschampsia flexuosa - Sibaldiopsis tridentata / foliosa - crust covered sandstone. The EO's are known from this location but this is such a picturesque spot I chose to complete a plot.
Small patch cliff top community of silvery nailwort - three toothed cinquefoil - hairgrass / foliose - crust lichen covered cliff top. Similar to lithomorphic plots N of US Rt. 33. However here there is a higher abundance of the nailwort and cinquefoil. C